We respect your privacy.
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Privacy Policy

À propos

Moncouvertdespa.ca (SP International Inc.) is committed to respecting your privacy.

To ensure respect for your privacy, SP International has adopted a Code relating to the protection of personal information. This Code aims to establish responsible and transparent practices in the management of personal information, in all our relations with our customers. The Code has been drafted in accordance with federal and provincial legislation, and according to current practices in our industry. Your information helps us serve you better. Your personal information helps us to better meet your needs and tastes, to establish a responsible business relationship with you and to ensure uninterrupted service. In addition, this information allows us to study the habits and preferences of our customers in order to develop and improve our products, or to create new ones.

We only want to know what is strictly necessary.

We only collect personal information that is strictly necessary to provide our products and services. The personal information of our customers includes all information that we have collected from them. This information includes, for example, billing records, service and equipment records, and any complaints on file. We do not share your information with anyone. We do not sell or transmit any personal information about our customers to outside organizations.

We only keep your information for a limited time.

SP International retains personal information only as long as necessary for its use, or as required by law. Your information is then destroyed, or it is depersonalized, that is to say reduced to simple statistical elements with no possible link with you. In any case, your personal information is never reused for purposes other than those expressed here, unless you first obtain your explicit consent. Your information is protected against theft and prying eyes. Your information is kept exclusively by SP International. They are stored in databases protected by regularly updated security technologies and subject to strict control procedures. SP International agents only have access to these databases from time to time, for specific purposes related to their tasks, and are required to comply with our security procedures and confidentiality rules.

Your consent is essential.

SP International always asks for your authorization before collecting, using or transmitting your personal information, except in certain exceptional situations or required by law. These include, for example, emergency situations, when your life, health or safety are likely to be threatened. It can also be for legal situations, for example to comply with our statutory obligations, collect a debt, or comply with a subpoena, warrant, or other court order.

We guarantee safe browsing on our website.

SP International provides you with a safe browsing environment on its websites. When you make a transaction on our sites, your personal information is protected by SSL encryption technology. This encryption guarantees that the connection is made exclusively between you and SP International, away from any prying eyes. The activation of encryption is indicated by the padlock icon in the status bar of your web browser. Like most commercial websites, SP International sites use cookies. These identify your computer in order to save your preferences for future visits. These cookies can in no way give access to your computer or provide information other than that which you voluntarily transmit during your visit. SP International does not use the services of an outside company to observe the use of our sites by our visitors. SP International uses its own usage statistics logistics. These observations do not in any way identify you personally. They serve us rather to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our site, with the aim of making your visits more practical and pleasant.

You have access to all your information, at all times.

Upon simple request and upon presentation of sufficient proof of identity, SP International can communicate to you the list of personal information it holds about you, as well as the details of its use. This information will be communicated to you in a readable and understandable manner, within a reasonable time, and at minimal or no cost. You can also request at any time an update of your personal information in order to make corrections if necessary. It is possible to withdraw your initial consent to the collection and use of your personal information by SP International, subject to legal or contractual restrictions, and insofar as such withdrawal is reasonable in the circumstances.

We treat your comments and complaints as a priority.

If you believe that SP International has not complied with the principles set out in its Privacy Code, you may file a complaint with the person responsible for enforcing the Code within SP International. SP International will investigate all complaints about compliance with its Code, and take appropriate action, including changes to the Code or its practices if necessary. In any case, you will be informed of the outcome of the investigation into your complaint. If you are not satisfied with the decision of SP International following your complaint, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner of the Government of Canada, 112 rue Kent, Place de Ville, Tour B, 3rd floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1H3.

Do not hesitate to contact our customer service for any additional information on our practices regarding the protection of your personal information.